Monday, August 12, 2024

Happy Monday

Sorry for lack of posts. Last week sucked, I hate being hurt so the pouting has been heavy and steady (poor mrs lonebiker.) 

I didn't even do a beer review. I mean I could have done two.. you know one on Friday and one on Saturday. You know that sort of thing. 

You see how boring this is when I have nothing to talk about? I could bring up something interesting about my life like.... 'You know I've never eaten a Big Mac!' How's that for wild living!

I don't know guys, those things kinda always grossed me out. I'd assume a chunk of readers feel the same way though assuming you all mostly ride bikes. High five to that and the good news is things are improving and I hope to be on the gravel bike by the weekend. Knock on wood. 

*proceeds to hit self on head

Beer Friday. Alley Kat Brewing, Blue Lagoon Blue Raspberry Gose

Just in line with that donut eating walking tub of gravy last ride post except without a bike ride I did nothing today. I had intentions of ...