Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Awakening of Terwillegar

A short and quick ride to Terwillegar was made today because I had matters to take care of afterwards.

The trip out was made all to see the new trail that has replaced the former Golf Course Trail which is now being turned into multi use. If you haven't been there yet and were a huge Golf Course Trail fan I have some words for you.

Don't fret. 

This might be a real good thing. The singletrack is still under construction and as I rode through crews were busy working on the trail and all respectfully stepped aside to let me pass. It was pretty cool. 

First thoughts on the new trail were not all that good heading West primarily because I can be a needy little bitch in terms of my trail needs. I rode in Fruita and now compare every trail to that mountain bike mecca. That's not fair to Edmonton which is quickly turning into a mountain bike mecca of the North.

Riding the new trail called 'Go Trail' on Trail Forks is quite easy to pick out. Once you descend from the sweet singletrack of Dave's Trail red ribbons and marked trees will signal the start of Golf Course's trail replacement.

Seeing as the trail is still brand new and not even finished yet I understood things will only get better. This trail has lots of very steep bad ass power climbs that will make you want to stop your ride and call your Mom. The climbs are rewarded with ass over the back of the saddle descents which quickly switch back to climbs again.

Yes the climbs are tough, they are still do-able. I did wonder about drainage on the bottom of some of the steep descent and climbs as there was what looked like the potential for pooling, although this was all in passing so it's hard to say.

The return East was awesome and I can see myself falling head over heels for this new singletrack.

I also rode Mustang for the first time ever today and was quite impressed. Climbing up it wasn't too bad until the end. The ride down was incredible. Would have been much better on the Altitude so a return trip will be in the works hopefully soon.

So in the end it looks like Terwillegar which was once Edmonton's King of mountain biking may be on a resurgence and that is pretty awesome. It needed a come back.

The parking lot had it's usual share of 'Terwillegar' types with Starbuck drinking M.E.C hoodie wearing dog walkers but hey. They need a place to go just like all of us mountain bike folk so I get it.

That was the thought process until a middle aged guy came ripping through the parking lot at what seemed like 90 miles per hour on his E bike. I strongly resisted the temptation to run him down and beat him senseless with a nineteen eighty three Canadian Tire pump which I keep for just those special occasions.

I'm pretty sure he was wearing a full face helmet too, but he sped off quickly far away from any challenging trails and rode the multi use by the river.

Oh Terwillegar, you gotta get cool again. Look's like you are on your way with these trails!

Trail Forks Go Trail

Trail Forks Mustang Trail

mustang bridge, photo doesn't capture the fairy tail aspect in the slightest sense
top of mustang, a steep descent and lots of fun
the new trail and an extremely sharp turn
you will know you are on go trail when you see all the tape and painted trees
if you don't follow the red ribbon and tape you will end up here
i have a feeling this tire will be the centre of many photos on social media, as well an epicentre for potty breaks

Happy Monday

I felt the fat bike God's stirring today..