Tuesday, November 10, 2009


this bike looked very lonely

First off , a warning ! If you happen to work at a shop in Nisku and you ride a bike and commute or ride right after work (as I do) be careful with the tights ! I didn`t pack my riding shorts today which I would wear overtop of my tights , thus hiding that unsightly bulge . Bravely though I walked out of the bathroom wearing .............. Yes black tights , shoes that click when you walk , my manlump for all to see , and a gay laugh (those that know me ) and being surrounded by guys that love UFC , big pickup trucks and anything that would involve blowing defenseless animals to smitherens . ...........................I`m lucky to have made it out of there alive ........Damn !

Anyways , I did go riding and it was awesome , but a little too short . The lights held tonight but I only had them on for the good stuff , if it wasn`t technical they were off . One thing I found funny tonight was taking a break at Kinsman rec center , I watched people jostling around the lot trying to get a close parking spot so they didn`t have a long walk to go work out . People are nuts .

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...