Friday, December 4, 2009

Beer Friday.Innis & gunn blonde

Thanks to me working late today so I could save up for more bike stuff (giddidy giddidy) I had to get the lovely wife to go pick up tonights tester . Yes , in the middle of a blizzard , yes I`m a jackass . Anyways this same brand of beer was the first test in my weekly kickass beer review , luckily this was a different brew so I didn`t have to flog her ............ha ha ha ha

Innis and Gunn blonde , the early test was original . This was quite good (like the first) it was smooth , went down easy and had a hint of vanilla (I guess that explains "blonde" on the bottle) I really enjoyed my Innis tonight and sadly wanted more but it`s freakin blizzarding outside ...................wait a minute . SHERI , YOU WANNA GO PICK UP MORE OF THAT INNIS STUFF YOU BOUGHT ! oh silly me , I`m not supposed to type my yelling . She won`t go anyways .........may the flogging begin !

oops , a little late here 3.5 suds out of 5 for Innis blonde

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...