Friday, January 22, 2010

Beer Friday . Le Messagers

From the land of Canadian love comes Le Messagere . Born in a microbrewery in Saint-Alexis-des-Monts , Quebec . This beer is very proud to be one of the few in the world that offer gluten free beer , a process that takes care to make but I`ll be honest . I don`t give a jack shit about ! The one thing that gluten free beer is good for is people with health problems who can`t drink regular beer . So in the end , this brewery is doing the world a good deed arn`t they ?

On to the beer , the pour went well as I didn`t spill any on the counter , oh wait that was me who did something awesome and not the beer ..........................Hooray for me ! The beer has a red look to it in the glass and the head dissolved rapidly . The taste was sweet at first and after a few sips it settled in to a rather pleasing brew with (I guess) hints of fruit and , oh wait....... The best way to explain this one is , picture putting a tap on a magical beer fruit tree and from out of this tree you pour this french ale into a tall pint , sit back and read some Victor Hugo literature , and talk about nothing but lovemaking and wine tasting . Ahhh the french !

3 suds out of 5

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