Monday, January 11, 2010

My coach is cooler than your coach

Ya , that`s right . You heard me ! Does your teams coach surf ? Well the new Seahawk head coach sure looks like he does . I now see why they fired Jim Mora after only one season . They wanted this cool looking guy . Meet California boy Pete Carroll the former head coach of colleges USC Trojans aptly situated in Los Angeles . He did have a stint in the NFL back in the day with the New England Patriots and the New York Jets where he had a mediocre record . That right there tells me he`s going to fit right in with the Seahawks cause they have been drowning in mediocrity for years . This guy is on the long list of college coaches who tried to make it in the NFL and failed . College coaches , Rah Rah Rah ,PPPPPHHHHHT ! Hey , at least he`s good looking , famous and walks with a swagger , cause that shits important ! My coach is now cooler than your coach ! Take that Bill Belichick and the three time super bowl winning Patriots ! I think I`m going to throw up again . Good Lord I need a bike ride !

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...