Saturday, June 5, 2010

Were Back ! Now with 98% less riding content ....

the allergy fairy , not as cute as it looks ...
this summbich is a real bastard !

Ahhhh , the smell of the lonebiker office , oh how I missed that ! After an exciting week of frolicking on the beach , it`s good to be back ! The beer review team is fresh , and so are the talented ex much music , wedge v.j`s who help run music Monday . The week was spent in California hanging out with cool Hollywood people who are truly better than you and I (at least that`s what US magazine is telling me)

Now that were back and sadly smitten hard by the allergy fairy ......That mean little bitch wound up and smacked me with all it`s might leaving me a sad,sad,sad little man , who hasn`t been riding .......only working (the folks at Ibis must be truly upset with me) I hope to start getting some rides in as this is starting to get real old real fast . Maybe tomorrow , I just crossed my fingers ......

instead of riding some fine bicycles , the once famous
"lonebiker" has resorted to playing with apps on
his Ipod........oh how incredibly freakin sad !

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...