Sunday, July 25, 2010

Riding . Mill Creek - Capilano

a rare two ten visit to ewok
When one forgets his camera on a rare trip to the mountains and cannot post pictures of his "trip" on his cheesy internet biking diary . What does he do the next day ? ..........He goes for a bike ride of course !

A trip through the river valley was all I needed as not only was I bummed about forgetting the camera . I had coming home to Edmonton (area) blues ...... Once in the river valley one can realize that life here is not all that bad . Especially when most of the trails have somewhat dried out and you realize how good they really are . I giggled non stop as I sailed through Ewok Forest .

sadly , some of the short singletrack trails may be done for a while
Once back at the car , feeling better about where I am . I started thinking about the glorious mountains again and with an act of rage , violently ran the truck off a 1300 ft cliff (I jumped out of course), watched the Dodge crash and explode into a fiery spectacle , I then lit up a malbaro and said to myself  "I gotta do this Jasper thing again soon".......

when people want to act like sardines , they come here....

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...