Sunday, December 19, 2010

On sore legs

yep , time to turn around
 Back on the fat tires for a better planned trip than yesterday . The legs were burning from Saturdays run and I tried pushing them on the usual winter climbing . The falling snow made it tough today as my tires slipped
making climbing all that more arduous . I started to question the thought of studded tires in my head but cast the idea aside, "don`t be crazy , that`s crazy talk man" was what ran through my head . It`s been about fifteen years of sliding in the snow sans spikes and I guess I want to see how long I can keep up the streak .

looking dreary out there
There were lot`s of guys out riding today including the roadies on cross bikes with the personalities of cold wet dish rags . There were a couple sets of mountain bikers who were very friendly with one guy just about running off the trail cause he was waving so hard . I will never understand the difference between the two groups. Roadies, I don`t get them .

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...