Sunday, July 10, 2011

Triathlon spotting

smells like an event here...
somewhere in there is a very sad Paula Findlay
 On a wet rainy Sunday I got to hit my second ride of the week...Only two? That kinda makes me sad! Could be worse I guess, but with a busy looking beginning to this week I know I may not be able to head out until Thursday, which should be a good one as it is the apparent start of a little holiday.

The extreme wetness after some crazy downpours on Saturday and rain all night last night and into the morning kept me on paved trails. I tried a little multi use trail action and even they were almost unrideable.

My main purpose was to head to the Hawerlak area and check out the ITU Triathlon World Cup. Another world class event held by our little northern Canadian city. I had no idea on  the start times or the route they would take and arrived early after riding River Valley Road trail to Groat road bridge to find it all closed off for the race. I regretted not coming back with the family to watch it but knew by the time I got home it would be pretty much over.

The main story was about a local girl named Paula Findlay. If you live in Alberta and are reading this and never heard of her please step away from the computer go straight to the bathroom, stick your head in the toilet and flush several times. She is rated number one in the world for female triathletes and has been setting the bar winning event after event since winning the world championship in 2010. Best of all, she was born and raised in Edmonton and still calls it home.

Sadly though. Today she had to bow out of the triathlon due to a leg injury. I`m sure the decision would have been devastating for her to make as the buzz for this race was incredibly huge. It would have been the first one in front of hometown fans since becoming a triathlete superstar.

groat road, car free. happy happy, joy joy...
dealing with the grime, my drivetrain lost a few lives today
a sign of heavy rain, branches and debris all over the ground

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...