Monday, October 31, 2011

Monster Ride on a Monster Day

eyeing a switchback on rowland trail
my halloween contribution... a dead bird, yah that's right

 I gave the middle finger to work today and ventured out on what was hopefully going to be the longest run of the year.

I had planned on doing a Science park to Terwillegar  park and return to Science park ride but in the theme of this year it didn't happen. It was still a big ride nonetheless.

I took a very slow pace knowing I had a long way to go and would have to return the same distance. The thought of bonking because of no energy really played with my head.

giving up on terwillegar, I crossed the bridge at hawerlak and ventured home

The other contributing factor to a slow pace was the amount of pictures I took. A total of 68, I know I had more on other rides but today I even annoyed myself by all the stops. It was an exquisite day out there and I was motivated. Like the picture of the dead bird.... Beauty!

It's a shame about not doing the full ride. I wanted this badly to cap off a rough year,  this would have made things a bit better when I look back on twenty- eleven. I guess it doesn't really matter cause it was a darn good ride even though I didn't make it. I hit Rowland, Ewok, Mackinnon, and all the other good stuff. Mostly on the south side.  Once I came through Mackinnon I rode paved (ya, I know) pretty much all the way back to the Science park.

With November approaching tomorrow the thought of long end to end rides seem to be fading away, maybe I have a chance next weekend if work doesn't get in the way....

the climb out of the valley
the future home of a  new park served by a funicular that will bring people down
to the valley so they can complain about all the mountain bikers.... oh joy
the final push home through the science park 

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...