Saturday, April 14, 2012

Beer Friday. Wild Rose Brewery. IPA

A Saturday spent taking care of my pretty bikes so they are up to the challenge come first official ride which should be happening soon.  Providing the snow stops. Yes I said snow. I see you out of town folks reading this and snickering to yourselves...

Wild Rose Brewery comes from Calgary, a town much like Edmonton, only they have better access to the mountains, and of course their hockey team has four less Stanley cup wins than us, but who's counting? This fine craft brewery has been around since 1996 and produce seven beers plus seasonal beers. The company has a restaurant, bar, The Taproom, which is very popular in Calgary. This brewery is very proud of the ingredients they use and stand by the claim of not using any preservatives.

For being pretty much a "local" beer this is the first review done on this high quality beer reviewing site. I opened up a bottle, smelled and was smitten with what filled my nostrils and started to pour. The one thought that came to me as I poured was "thick." A two fingered head sat proudly on top and had no intentions on leaving. In fact, most of it hung around pretty much till there was no more. Bitter is the best way to describe this one, definitely a very hoppy beer. The 6% alcohol content is not noticeable I'm sure until you stand up after a few you will feel it ( I'm only at one and a quarter now.) This isn't a beer for everyone, you may love it or you may hate it. I'm torn...

This beer gets 2.5 suds out of 5

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