Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday Night Trails

This is what every night should be like. Absolutely gorgeous outside and minimal traffic on the trails! Well for most of the night...

A ride from the usual Mill Creek to Gretzky bridge all kept on the southside. I visited the famed Ewok for the first time this year. Stopped, sent some inappropriate text messages, and then proceeded to hit the soon to be famous Rolling below Rowland trail. It bit me a few times but I came out unscathed. A trip back through Ewok again where I hit an overhanging tree hard with my helmet. An instant headache ensued, but there is no need to call a Doctor. I'm doimg perdectfly fime.

The headache didn't last and as I entered Mill Creek for the return trip the trails were more congested. A strange meetup with five guys who were trying to track down a buddy who went missing on Sunday. I wish I would have taken a photo of the picture they had, I could have posted it on here. Although I know it would have done nothing. Sad to see that though, stirs up lots of bad memories. Hope he's all right...
this is what DRY looks like
this is what happens when you get road cycling gloves for mountain biking,
 only two rides in and contact with a tree caused them to split, sad... so sad...

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...