Saturday, December 1, 2012

December in Jasper

I cannot remember the last time I was in Jasper in the Winter. A Christmas party at the Lodge pulled us in and I was anxious to see what the trails looked like this time of year. My guess is they were snow covered... Yes, I assumed correctly and saw a layer of snow cover all the trails that give me feelings of euphoria in those mosquito infested Spring and Summer months. 

Signs of guys out riding were visible in the snow at Old Fort Point, I often wondered how many folks head out in the Jasper backcountry in Winter and saw the evidence that they exist. Most of the day was sadly spent looking at shops and doing the usual tourist things but it was anything from a lost day. Even  "touristing" in Jasper is far better than being at home. The sound of the trains and the smell of the air is worth the drive.

if you have been here and spent the day doing the tourist thing and did not pose
in front of the train, find the nearest toilet, insert head, and flush repeatedly.
the proverbial shooting a cannon down the street and not hitting
anybody can be implied here.
classic rmb bike sighting, always easy in the big J
the sign should read "this way to happiness"
wabasso this way...
a bridge to more happiness.
next year? 
the bench trail head, the best place to end ones day.
the palisades decided to be camera shy and hide behind a big cloud

To the Strippers!

I had originally planned on riding to the airport and back after turning down the idea of a hot September Saturday and the trails full of pe...