Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Riding. Mill Creek - Dawson Bridge

The cold weather tonight may have finally broke me. By the end I was done with this Canadian thing we call "Winter" and ready for some good old fashioned Spring time meltdown. You know? The Spring time in the river valley. It gets quite nasty down there at times and I would have welcomed that with open arms at the end of tonights ride. Or a two week wet stretch in July like we have had the last couple years. That would have been fantastic tonight. Only to think there is a Winter storm predicted for tomorrow.

After a hot shower I warmed up and thought about the good things on tonights ride and felt better about Winter. Truth be told not a lot of "good" came out of tonight. It was a pretty mediocre bike ride from Mill Creek to Dawson bridge much like the title of this one suggests. A large number of dog walkers at the trailhead made me cringe like one would after trip to the bathroom after a night out at Taco Bell. Luckily once on the trails I got ahead of them and all was clear.

potty break with not a soul around (or so I thought)

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...