Friday, June 28, 2013

Beer Friday. Pinkus Organic

After a tremendously horrible excuse for a bike ride the rest of the day went well and it gets capped off with a beer review! Not a shabby way to end the first day of a mini holiday. From Munster Germany Pinkus Muller was established in 1816. Along side them, 150 breweries were in the area and today Pinkus is the only one that remains. A rather impressive feat which made this here beer reviewer team stand up, face east and applaud... Well I did, all alone in my den that's half underground. Geez, that reality is so very sad.

The pour of this German beer went quite well, a murky dirty urine coloured beer sat ready and waiting in my tester glass (I get that is a horrible comparison but that is just what it looks like ok). A two fingered head that disappeared to one and a bit by the time the picture was taken, the head disappeared quite quickly and while consumption there was no lacing left on the side of the glass. The taste is very good, nice and light and above all, refreshing. Simply perfect for a hot Canadian day like this. The taste is a bit citrusy. This would be the perfect beer to go with a heavy meal.

This beer gets 3.5 suds out of 5

Happy Monday

I felt the fat bike God's stirring today..