Sunday, February 2, 2014

Happy, Happy, Happy Monday

Mr Pete Carroll. Forgive me for bashing you on this very blog years ago. I was foolish, frustrated and tired of what seemed like the typical Seahawk ways. It all officially ended tonight and I can't believe this really did happen. This current Seahawk team is firing on every cylinder and now a Super Bowl is ours! Is a new tattoo in the works? Guess we will see. My how things have changed! Pete Carroll. I love you! Go HAWKS!

To all those reading and rolling your eyes at another football related post. Next year there may be more cause this team seems hungry for more, so terribly sorry...

On to Music Monday, turn this up loud!

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...