Another destination from our incredible back country in Canada. The Yukon is another place I have not been although I am aware of it's unbelievable potential and these videos are the teasers that poke softly at my not so well Canadian traveled psyche.
Enjoy the short videos, and get to work soldiers. Time to start planning a trip!
Boreale Mountain Biking - Promo from Dan Barham on Vimeo.
Boréale Mountain Biking - "One Fine Morning" from Dan Barham on Vimeo.
riding in edmonton, more riding, bikes, bike pictures, music, and stellar beer reviews
Monday, June 23, 2014
Beer Friday. Aecht Schlenkerla Eiche
Well here we are on another semi hardcore type of Winter day. It was cold and kind of snowy day and what did this piece of shit bike blogge...
I know every car guy has that one car that car that drives them crazy with feelings of lust. In some cases extreme feelings. They would give...
It was a productive day as the orange Winter wonder bike was put back together with new pedals and a brake bleed where it was successfully d...