Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Church of Fort Saskatchewan

To start this off, the pictures are quite crappy and I apologize. The humidity this morning was at 92% and the few times I stopped for a picture there was a layer of moisture on the lens which I tried wiping off with my wet jersey which didn't work all that well. I had to scrap the planned cover shot much to my disappointment.

This was a long awaited trip to Fort Saskatchewan after all the pneumonia bullshit, the trails are in incredible condition and there was nobody out on the ride out, I remarked to myself at how awesome this place is because it is always so dead. I think I jinxed that notion because the return on this out and back was met with lots of people. Lots of weekend warrior types including a french guy who yelled back behind him several french phrases which I could not understand after I said "hi, I'm alone." Maybe that was his way of letting me know there is someone behind him.

After several more run-ins with other riders the heat got to me and I couldn't hold a line and crashes incurred. Most just trail run offs and my ankle is still intact so that is a good thing. It was another great ride in one of Edmonton's best riding areas, now I'm thinking. Tomorrow... again?

somewhere around that corner there are lots of riders approaching
the humidity as seen on the iPhone lens is what I blame for this crash

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...