Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Beer Friday. Cannery Brewing, Naramata Nut Brown Ale

Welcome to Beer Friday. The not working for a living edition. I apologize for not riding and posting up on here, been busy tweaking and refining resumes, plus looking up jobs online and the forecast for oil and gas in the coming months.... Ok, I'll admit it. I have been drunk the whole time. This morning I woke up naked and covered in puke outside the place that laid me off. Yep, just as all the ladies of the office were making their way in. It was truly a sombre moment.

Cannery brewing in Penticton, British Columbia was founded in the year 2000. Luckily for them after the big Y2K computer crash that wiped out the entire worlds operating systems. Lordy, Lordy, that was a mess now wasn't it? Terry Schoffer is the man behind this brewery and his company is going strong today.

It was a small beer review team of myself, three interns, and my headmaster pourer Merl. This review kind of came impromptu so most of the beer review staff are at home. The pour was pretty great and the room was captivated by the dark beer shown before them crowned with a two fingered head. 'STAND BACK MERL! THIS ONE IS GOING TO BE A WINNER' I roared! The first sip proved my theory right as I was washed away in nuts, cocoa, and quite the earthy taste. Could not sense much for hops although I did enjoy sniffing this one as this is what I think of when I think of craft beer. It smells delicious. It tastes delicious too.

This beer gets 4 suds out of 5

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