Monday, May 11, 2015

The Last Hoorah

This mornings ride in the almighty Fort Saskatchewan powerhouse trail system was every bit what I needed before I boarded that plane back up North.

I am now sitting in my camp room typing this ride up using my tears, not my fingers. The last five rides have been unbelievable. Over 130 km between the two nimble Summer bikes were just what was needed. Rumor is I will be back home on the 22nd of may but know things change daily here. Given the current job market I think I'm quite lucky.

Today the Rocky Mountain sprang to life quickly as I descended down the steep hill past the tennis courts launching me into central Albertan trail lust that knows no boundaries.

I would like to lie and say I cleaned the entire trail but that would make me a filthy liar. Seeing as how I am not a member of the New England Patriots or worse. a politician. I will tell the truth and let you know I had a few step offs as I lost my control on some of the tough techy sections.

New signs on the trail were quite interesting. Trail markers with an identification as to where you are to help the fine emergency personnel find you if things were to go haywire. About every half kilometer a new sign with updated numbers to let the 911 operator track you easier. Hearing some of the horror stories that have come from this trail regarding broken limbs and numerous river dumps. I think this makes sense. It does take away from the feeling of being out in the middle of nowhere for me though. Wait a minute... The intruding ugly cookie cutter neighbourhoods and paved trails that are inching closer and closer to this trail system are what is taking away the out in the middle of nowhere nostalgia. The signs are nothing.

seeing as i had to use 911 on this trail before, this would have sure came in handy at the time

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...