Friday, July 17, 2015

Beer Friday. Black Market, Liberation IPA

Oh shit. I have been staring at a blank screen for the last ten minutes and have now just realized I have a rather bad case of writers block. How did this tragedy happen you probably wonder? Concerned for my well being, you are currently sitting on the edge of your seat, sweat dripping from your concerned brow, you body shudders with unease afraid of my well being!

Don't worry kids. I'll be all right. With problems in the bathing suit area which I blame on riding bikes... You know, cause chicks dig that sort of thing. Well if that's true, somebody please come tell my wife. She finds my current saddle sore condition rather disgusting and won't come near me with a ten and a half foot pole. Lets try that lonebiker charm on some of the interns...



Well damn, they walked out and told me they are going to call a lawyer. That's shitty! That's really shitty!

Luckily I have some good looking beer to try out which should right this ship if it's a winner.

Black Market Brewery located in Temecula, California was started by yet another guy bored of corporations and started his own brewery. Another person whom I can truly admire. The corporate rat race and all the back stabbing and butt kissing that goes with it just so people can get ahead is the worst fucking thing going in the business world. I had a slight taste of it and am quite happy to be back in the field and working with my hands.

The pour done in an awkward setting as the all star beer review staff quickly picked sides. Little did the ones know who chose to be against me would be fired shortly after. In the end the pour gave us a giant three and a half fingered head which crowned a rusty gold colored beer that teased me with it's tempting look.

I had the first sip and quickly realized this was a true full on India Pale Ale. With no bullshit. I'll be honest and say I was never a huge IPA fan but I could truly appreciate what the fine folks at Black Market brought to the table. Citrus and sour candied apples sprinkled with grapefruit with that good old classic IPA kick made this one a winner. With a 9.5% alcohol  volume. This one can kick your ass if you are not careful.

This beer gets 4 suds out of 5

Happy Monday

I felt the fat bike God's stirring today..