Saturday, October 10, 2015

Beer Not Happening at 5:30 Saturday Morning

The plan was to do a beer review on the start of my weekend. But seeing as I want to just go to sleep I will lay that little nugget of breathtaking mind numbing awesomeness to sleep. Although, I am drinking a beer (or 15) right now. We will see if we can fit a review in this weekend.

The thought of having all the review staff in for 5:30 on a Saturday morning was a bit stressful. Imagine a room full of executives, beer pourer's, photographers, bottle handlers, beer service interns, regular interns, photo editing team, The Internet Brewery Research Team, carpenters, internet research consultants, and a good post beer review cleaning crew in all foggy eyed for an early morning review had me a bit stressed out.

Yes, I could just fire them all, and I will soon.

Till then, they need their rest.

Let's fill this weekend up with riding shall we?

standing on the beer review plateau, no photo editing team,
hence the pail in the background.
sleep well beer, you shall be reviewed soon

Happy Monday

I felt the fat bike God's stirring today..