Saturday, February 20, 2016

40 on Forty?

Back to the trails after being hit with a bad bout of the flu. Hence the quietness on here which encompassed all activity on this here lonebiker bike blog and beer tasting extravaganza. Only the staff from 'Music Monday' were able to make it in.

The ride today should not have taken place as just yesterday whilst working, heavy coughing lead quickly to hurling chunks. A real fun process if you haven't had the pleasure. Do it while in a greasy port-a-potty in the middle of a giant site which holds 800 trade workers. Yesterday was a great day to be me.

What did push me out today was the fact it was my birthday. I have always ridden on my birthday and recently in the last few years started themed rides that went along with my age. The majority of these rides have been trying to match my age with kilometres ridden and for whatever reason I seem to fail miserably. One year (I believe turning 37) I wanted to match hill repeats going up into Forest Heights from river level. I think I copped out after climb number 7.

After last years failure at 39 I knew this one would be a must do. I mean turning forty is a significant time in ones life right?

And then I got sick. Making me ask the question this morning: "I'm forty now. Shouldn't I just go hang out at Costco and get excited about what a great deal I got on a 20 pack of ringed Ukranian sausage? I mean I can tell everyone at work about it on Monday!"

Suddenly mountain bike common sense kicked in.

I was changed and ready to try and hit forty KM before lunch. Taking it easy of course.

In the end the ride lasted a quarter of the original plan. Heavy phlegm filled my throat and the cold Winter air attacked my throat with furious vigor. I limped back to home base at Capilano after reaching Dawson bridge. Limping doesn't describe it.

I was done. It would seem the older I am getting, I do not have the wiseness factor getting any larger.

At least I got to ride on forty. Even though it, in all aspects was just terrible.
a moment to reflect and wonder just how i will make it home

Happy Monday

I felt the fat bike God's stirring today..