Monday, June 5, 2017

Beer Friday. Rogue, Chocolate Stout

Beer Friday written on a day that is close to leaving for the north but will be posted a day before coming home. So it's kind of a bittersweet one as I'm a bit down when writing this but when I post it life will be pretty flipping sweet.

Not the greatest set of days off as bike issues combined with lot's of rain hampered the riding in a big way. Not to mention a bad bout of allergies that destroyed the last chance of enjoying the rides. They may be considered shitty rides but still overall were pretty great. 'Why?' You ask. Cause bikes. Bikes still rule chump.

Rogue has been on the beer review pages before and today they bring their chocolate stout to the table. Located in Portland, Oregon this brewery seems to embrace the culture that is Portland. A city I haven't visited yet but have a strong desire to go see. Their chocolate stout has surprisingly not been picked up yet by the Lonebiker beer purchasing team hence some firings might be coming.

The two and a quartered fingered head pour showed off a rich dark chocolate beer that just oozed craft beer sexiness. Held up close to my eye and with the daylight window behind there was no light visible through the glass. For some reason that made me quite excited and I had to bitch slap a few interns to help calm down. Sweet roasted malt combined with the chocolate made this on an instant winner. "Where was this one before Hitler invaded Poland!?" I bellowed. Thinking that Hitler tasting this one would give him a change of heart. Toasted almonds, chocolate french toast with burnt maple syrup round this one out.

A winner.

This beer gets 4.5 suds out of 5.

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