Friday, August 18, 2017

Beer Friday. Beau's, Golden Vox

Beer Friday is once upon us again. Doing these reviews so close together on days off it is hard to find something to talk about in the first paragraph of these reviews. So let's see. I'll just pick something random in the beer review testing lab and talk about that. Oh yes, that letter I got from Selma Hayek thanking me for my awesome work on the beer reviews. She had wanted to fly me over to do some reviews for her personally but being the married gentleman that I am I had to refuse. In it she says"Lonebiker, my darling, my heart yearns for your beer review wisdom and trail riding wit. Come to Hollywood." So as a married man, I just had to say no. I mean, it's Selma Hayek. Mrs Lonebiker wins hands down.

Ok, did that kill enough words?


Beau's brewing located in Vankleek hill, Ontario. Vankleek hill! Where the hell is that? Give me a minute, I gotta Google map this place. Well how about that, an hour out of Montreal. Looks like a pretty nice town too. Maybe I'll visit one day. Aww who am I kidding, you know I won't. Judging from their website they started in two thousand and six and are quite a quant little brewery just like the town it resides in. They proudly use all natural ingredients which is definitely nice to see.

Canadian hip hop artist K-OS collaborated with Beau's to bring us this beauty. This rye pale poured just nicely with a golden tone of oozy sexiness that screamed out "Fuck ya, Summer!" We were taken back by that beautiful head that stood atop. A good two fingers that showed nice lacing as it crept down the glass following the beer that it stood on top of. At 6% alcohol it tastes more like a light beer. Notes of apples and caramel rounded out with a touch of whiskey. This one is delicious.

This beer gets 4 suds out of 5.

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