Saturday, July 21, 2018

Beer Friday. Ribstone Creek Brewery, 2018 Cold Lake Air Show

Beer Friday is back and complete with a remote beer testing all the way from Cold Lake, Alberta! Hells yea kids! A day spent at the airshow with a fine lad and his fine lady at my first experience at 4 Wing to watch an airshow. I've been to this base countless times, nerding out on the jets but have never made it on the tarmac until today. If you like the airshows get to one at an actual airbase. They tend to be the best although the grumpiness in me did find its mark as it seems the safety factors keep the planes farther away, plus the speakers and non stop speaking announcer put a bit of a damper on things. Still it is awesome to see and this being the biggest airbase Canada has to offer there are plenty of jets on hand.

Ribstone brewery in Edgerton, Alberta had the honour of supplying the base with beers geared towards the airshow. I tried to get one to take home but as you can expect the question was met with looks of absolute stupidity towards myself. Yes, I asked them if I can have an unopened one to take home... You know, carry it through the airbase and all.

Whatever, I don't care, it was worth a try.

The beer they had supplied I can strongly assume is their Ribstone Creek Lager. Although not 100% sure, it just makes sense.

No pour was had as this was done in the beer gardens. Right from the can and into the mouth and it delivered a great tasting lager full of earthy hops. Nothing much of else to  note on the taste rather than it was much better than the big name beer lagers cause it had more personality. The taste suited the warm atmosphere of sitting in the sun watching jets fly by and enjoying a nice beer. It's obvious that this one was written with a strong bias so we will have to find their lager again and review it fairly.

This beer gets 4 jets out of 5.

Squirrel Dodger, Ride Blocker

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