Friday, April 19, 2019

Beer Friday. Ale Architect, Charleston Spiced Rye Saison

Throwing this out on a day off of riding to be posted when I am up battling bitumen as it attacks me with fury and a renewed vigor.

Well... That's not exactly how it goes when I'm up there. My main worry is not posting at all. I have gone up for a week and forgot about LB completely until I come home. I set reminders on my iPad but still it gets passed by. So, when will you be seeing this? I'm hoping I remember on Friday, I will be on nights which completely screws every sense up.

As for me now, it's Saturday and I took a day off of riding (did I not mention that already?) which I instantly regretted. Well no I didn't regret it too long as my daughters and me hung out around town. My legs are in rough shape so it wasn't hard to decide to forgo a ride. But damn... It would have been a nice one out there today.

The pour gave us a scare as once we cracked it open a furious stream of hissing foam came out like it had been thrown around the room by a drunken fool. Only there are no drunken fools here. Just a bunch of professional beer testers.

Could it have gone bad? The entire room held their breath as I bravely took the first sip to test the waters. We have done so many beer reviews on here and have opened a couple that had expired. It's never a fun experience.

Nope... All good.

Or is it... The smell is that of a bakery that has been closed for a week. It still retains its earthy aroma, it's just vacated a little bit. That's what this one reminds me of. The taste is of an earthy toned down bread factory (there I go again, with that reference) Mild hops with toned down flavours of unsalted, buttered popcorn with toned down citrus rounding it out. That's the thing with this one. It's toned down.

I read somewhere that this one was spicy? Say what? Did it turn on us?

I don't think so.

This beer gets 2 suds out of 5.

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