Saturday, June 15, 2019

Beer Friday. Brewsters, Blue Monk Barley Wine

Happy Saturday kids. Hope the bikes and trails are treating you well. This is now well into my first week of work disability all thanks to a nerve in my back that is sending horrendous shards of pain down my leg.

I hate being this guy..

The horrendous shards of pain have been gone for a week now but there are times when my leg will have one just to remind me that it's there. The experts say two more weeks and I should be fine but they also say be careful going back to work (or bikes.) This could be triggered again if not left to fully heal which could be a long time.

The worst part is being off work. I've never been the 'disability' guy but sadly I have no choice. Just walking to the bathroom first thing in the morning is pure torture. Thankfully I work for an incredibly good company and they will work with me through this bullshit. For now, plastic tank and airplane models are the only thing that keep me busy when I'm not at physio or massages and chiropractors.

So there is the update for the blog and lack of posts. Sorry but no this won't turn into a plastic modelling site if you were hoping.

Brewsters was on here in the beginning or around the beginning and haven't been back since. It is a local brewer/ restaurant that has some pretty decent food. It was established in nineteen eighty nine. back when men were men and the Oilers were a contender. Oh my what a long time ago that was...

The pour, not spectacular yet I was and am always impressed took shape of a bronzed brew with a small head and what looked like will be very little to no lacing (two of my interns are crying right now.) It had the smell of butterscotch mixed with grass clippings (or was that from outside?) Nevertheless it was making me eager to try and that was by scent alone, gotta admit not at all impressed by her looks.

We tasted and were pleasantly surprised. This one has character. Malts and slight toffee hit you right away. It has a pleasant mouth feel, in fact one of the best mouthfeels since the inception of Lonebiker and you can take that to the bank Batman!

Sorry, it doesn't get much to make me excited these days cause I've got not much to do.

This one gets 4 suds out of 5.

To the Strippers!

I had originally planned on riding to the airport and back after turning down the idea of a hot September Saturday and the trails full of pe...