Friday, September 27, 2019

A Fitting End

A ride that ended with an emergency rescue at Southgate Mall of all the places to die.

A ride that was supposed to be half valley and half street ended in Edmonton's busy Southgate corridor amongst the buses, lrt's and countless vehicles and pedestrians.

The  drivetrain on the Moots is now epically finished. It was rough all season and today's cold weather ride was the final straw. I knew I was in trouble once in Terwillegar and the skipping started. So that now makes two bikes in need of drivetrains. Well sheeeeit.

Not a lot to say about this one. Honestly would have been so much better if I finished and didn't have to stand in a cold parking lot waiting for me ma...

Here are the tracks cause the write up is just terrible (much like the condition of the two top bikes drivetrains) Whoaaa!

the highway to shopping cart city

now see.... there's your problem

Last Ride Resort, Leduc

 A quiet and cool ride through the usual local but not local ride in Leduc around Telford Lake and then looped around the cool airplane park...