Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Deep Breath

I've always had this weird phobia of white people. They are ok when they are younger but as they age they seem to get crazier and crazier. Now need not be offended if you are white. Not all white people suffer from this affliction and if you are reading this there is a very good chance you are not in the category I speak of here today. The problem with white women is

Ahh fuck... I'm just going to get into a lot of trouble here.

So today I went for a bike ride!

A very short ride which didn't feel short at as my Springtime allergies mixed with a heavy dose of not riding and lazy days off resulted in a seven kilometre ride which felt a lot longer. Capilano eastward was the route with all the singletrack in the area all the way to there end of Caddytrack was ridden. It was the top of Caddytrack by the bridge after the laborious climb out where I sat on my bike feeling like death trying to catch my breath.

That is where my problem with white people comes in.

I am turning into the white guy I hate and I do not like it one bit.

Slow, out of shape and now ruined by allergies I turned back with intentions of riding up Goldigger to try and extend my miles. I didn't even make it to the Goldigger trail head and I was gassed.

I do blame allergies for this.

All the trails ridden were fine. I would say things are pretty much opened up. Get out there and stay off the mud.

Seahawk Gameday

 Just like last weekend I had a mid sized ride on the gravel bike and rode the mountain bike the next day and my legs didn't last as lon...