Sunday, November 20, 2022

I'm Really not Serious About this Winter Bike Season Yet

I couldn't even sway away from my vehicle and kept about a three kilometre buffer from me and the Jeep in case I wanted to abort the ride immediately. This is worse than last year and I feel as I get older I will resent winter more and more each year. 

The temperatures are definitely not the issue. It was a nice warm day and thoughts of taking the top off the Jeep ran through my head quickly but were quickly dismissed as it was still well below my +20 degree take off zone.

The ride started in Kinseman where I immediately hit the singletrack along the river and the ride had high hopes. Very low energy though had bad thoughts running through my head and I knew what kind of ride it was shaping up to be so I crossed the Walterdale and backtracked down River Valley road where Victoria Park was beckoning for me to come in and explore. 

 I explored Victoria Park for a bit and got bored and made the scary decision to sway further from the Jeep and climbed up Victoria drive with the High Level on the radar for a cross back to the safety of a motorized device to take my lazy fat ass home.

Yes I passed my girl Victoria of the famed Victorias Secret and did not care one bit. 

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...