Well it's Christmas evening and all the presents have been opened. This was the first year that I did not receive anything bike related which is a little weird. It has been a consistent thing for the last 28 years getting something bike related for my addiction, either a new jacket, jersey, camelback or tires it was always something.
This year… nothing.
No I am not worried that this bike obsession is dying off because without bikes I would probably go somewhere and hang myself. Ha ha ha. I say 'ha ha ha' but there is probably some truth to that. No I wouldn't be suicidal cause my girls are all pretty kickass. That is ridiculous although I am a white male and am middle aged so I am prime for some suicide. Just look it up, it's kinda fucked.
Cool. I talked about killing myself and suicide. Merry Christmas everybody.
This one comes from Phillips Brewing located in Victoria, British Columbia. Their Eclipse Black velvet Stou was releasedt in 2021. Phillips has been on here in the past and have always faired well.
We poured and a black beautiful stout filled the tester glass capped with a dirty looking head and just like last night this dark beauty warmed me up just by being in it's presence. Coffee and dark fruit with some black liquorice are lapped up as I took a good sniff of this. Tastes of black burnt coffee come after a nice tasting blend of roasted malts and dark fruit. I don't know why but I want to say it tastes like copper. Weird right?
Like yesterday it was a pleasure to have this on a pretty damn good time of the year.
This beer gets 4 suds out of 5.