Sunday, September 24, 2023

A Bit Lost and Forlorn after an Unexpected Bridge Out

It was a splendid mid morning ride with legs feeling a bit better on a beautiful Canadian Fall day. It was back on the Moots after giving the Rocky Mountain hope that it might be my favourite bike. The Moots knows what the pecking order is and it was ready for a fun ride in the valley. 

*shuts macbook instantly…

*interns assemble! Its finally happening. the bikes are going to soon have souls and become sentient beings in lonebiker lore…

*instant silence in the room.. 

*one brave intern whispers 'what the fuck was that you said?'

*shuts down bad idea and returns to writing on blog.

Oh man… I'm sorry about that. The ride started at the Velodrome, another old school parking spot. I hit the singletrack and exited a tad early via Blue Man Group. An insane amount of homeless garbage litters the area. It seems quite obvious must of the stuff was stolen as everything looked rummaged through. 

The homeless encampments are becoming sadly a lot more common bringing heavy drug use to some combined with mental problems out roaming the back trails where the mountain bikers lurk. So be careful out there. 

I visited my lady Victoria and oddly saw no homeless on the route in an area which was odd for that area. Once off the trail I wanted to skip over ride Groat Road Rollercoaster (Lovers Lane) back towards the river and head back. Unbeknownst to me the bridge was out at the other end on Stoney Plain road so I pondered my next move and couldn't come up with a gameplan. 

Lost and forlorn I rode back the way I came through Victorias Secret and found the roads where still undecided I rode to the High Level bridge but decided to press onto the legislature where I believe every cop in Canada was attending a memorial for a fallen officer that sadly happened recently. I rode through a police road block making eye contact with the police standing there to know I was good. They said nothing and I rode down the hill unencumbered as to what was going on. 

Cops were everywhere, most staring at me as I was thoroughly enjoying the closed down road and with Lana Del Ray on the headphones I was enjoying the attention I was getting because of my horrible narcissism and then hearing what the event was about later I felt like an asshole. If I had know I would have avoided the area. 

I blame the bridge out deferring me this way. 

Thats what it was. 

Sorry about that. A big miss on that ride through.Yes I know it was just a guy riding though on his bike but there should have been some respect given. 

The high side Mill Creek Trap trails took me home through a splendour of memories this time oddly. The amount of different people I have been with through this area is ridiculous and the big moments in life that were happening at the time. A strange thing to type but at a time was kind of a refuge when thing got rough. I even brought people down there when things were tough for them. 

There is something about that place. My family thinks it's trashy for some reason, the sewage smell in areas perhaps? 

Bah ha ha ha… 

*edited a bit later after realizing multiple grammatical wtf's. fixed, so weee think… 

another attempt at a return to the potty break photos

let's just have a big old sigh and do nothing about this shall we?


Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...