Well here we are with another beer review and zero bike rides happening.
Say what?
This has been one of the lamest years health wise and I am down and out yet again with some sort of super flue or cold. I missed another huge chunk of work and slowly got better and started living again (sort of) with a rare photo dump the other day. Sadly that outing was a bad idea and I went downhill again and have been pouting on the couch.
So we go to a local brewery again this time in the west end of Edmonton. They have a bevy of beers in their lineup and I think they even have a tap room but I couldn't find much evidence on their website. They have a link to what's on tap but nothing else which is a tad frustrating and I always get annoyed at the lack of effort some of these breweries put into their website.
A pour happened and a nice somewhat dirty looking beer filled up our Bubba Gump glass and was crowned with a two fingered head which slowly went away but left that sexy lacing I love so much as this one was downed. It had the usual smells which I could not figure out cause I am quite plugged up so stop pestering me to smell this one ok?
I know you weren't. I am just grumpy.
A delight to drink and this 6% IPA is going down quite nice. It does have a strong IPA presence to it but with no bitterness on the backend which I blame those new generations for. Those chumps! It does what a modern IPA does and makes you feel good all over with every sip. The carbonation is splendid and the hops do what they need to do.
I did see this one was discontinued which is sad but I am sure you can still find these around the city.
This beer gets 4.5 suds out of 5.