Saturday, January 13, 2024

Beer Friday. 88 Brewing, Flexi Lager

 Well here we are on a very cold and frigid January night in the Edmonton region hunkered down in Lonebiker headquarters watching NFL playoffs and you know what? 

Life could not be any better right now.

Yes this is labeled as couch time and sitting on my ass time but there is something special about the playoffs which surely some people will judge me for but you know what? I really don't give a fuck. I like what I like. You like what you like. That its what creates diversity and helps make the world go around. Imagine how boring the world would be if we were all the same. 

Yes I want to run over Taylor Swift with a bulldozer but accept that she is mega famous and loved by millions. This is why I am happy I have my Lana Del Ray.

Esther has been an insane cold snap not just here but across lots of North America. The game on right now is the coldest game in NFL history and things look quite frigid. Here in the Edmonton region we have been having temperatures of -50 overnight. 

Sufficed to say, no bike rides happening for a little while. The fat bike is being repaired by a superhero amongst superheroes. The hub completely blew up last year and hope to be riding by next set off which is the night set sadly. 

88 brewing in Calgary had assumed opened it's doors in 1988 cause of the name but they are honouring the 88 Olympics they had in Calgary so the name is certainly warranted. The brewery opened in 2018 and features a taproom where one could get pizza. whoop whoop… 

We poured this lager in the testing lab and this golden beer showed a two fingered head that disappeared quickly and showed some lacing wile it went down. The light smell of crackers and mild hops gave a preview of this light lager. 4.5 % does not want to knock you off your feet but it is nice and tame going down. 

This one is as they say light and refreshing and even smooth going down. Oh damn I am hitting all the cheesy beer cliches right here. Other than that it doesn't have any outstanding qualities that make me want to call my mother. It's just a nice light and refreshing light lager. 

Oh dammit, I did it again.

This beer gets 3 suds out of 5. 

Happy Monday

I felt the fat bike God's stirring today..