Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Mojo survived . Grand Junction , Moab

Dan and Brian somewhere on lunch loop

Holy cross trailhead

On the ribbon trail

Brian ruling the rock on the Holy cross

Taking a bite out of the holy cross (later it bit me)

riding on martian landscape (Grand Junction)

The most famous bike shop in the world

A dime a dozen Moab slickrock shot

Brian climbing some stupid steep hill on Moab slickrock

my current desktop wallpaper (Moab slickrock)

The last post (for now) on the Colorado trip . I have resorted to blogging as opposed to emailing as some of you may not care too much about riding and that`s cool .

Grand Junction . My first impression of GJ wasn`t all that great as far as the town goes and me being the ass that I am told Brian that . He smiled and said "just wait , it grows on you". Boy was he right ! A smaller city with a definite small town feel . The trail network there is unbelievable , there is the lunch loop trail system which certain bike magazines prey on for it`s amazing bike photography . The next time I`m there I would want to stay in GJ the whole time but considering your 5 minutes away from Fruita , an hour and 40 minutes from Moab it would be very hard to stay in one place . The Holy cross trail , by far one of the most demanding trails I have ever ridden , jagged rocks threatening my carbon frame , more steep exposure , and extremely technical rock riding . This trail would make a Navy Seal nervous . The ribbon trail is another GJ must do , some of the sections I think are unrideable but I know there are guys who live here who probably ride it and rule it all the time .

Moab . For close to 20 years I have wanted to go there . In the biking world Moab is revered as mountain bikings holy grail . Trails like Slickrock and porcupine rim have kept riders salivating for years and this was my time to ride there .

We picked a bad day to go though , our intentions were to hit the whole Enchilada (a combination of Moab trails) then Slickrock but bad weather had shut down lots of the mountain . Not wanting to be dismayed we rode the Slickrock trail despite bad weather . I never experienced wind like that in my life , a steady 80km wind that was turning back guys from the trail ...........but we pressed on . Despite the wind literally knocking me off my bike a couple times (it`s wide open there) I had a blast anyways and was surprised on how hard the trail actually was ! I always thought it was just a "tourist trail" ................not quite , the wind made it more challenging but it may sound cheesy I`m glad it was there .
It`s too bad we couldn't`t have ridden more Moab but I know I`ll be back .

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...