Thursday, December 24, 2009

Fall Pictures from 2009

Couldn`t get out on the bike this morning so I thought I would post more pictures . These are some of my favourite pics from the fall . I`ll probably do a summer , spring , winter , and of course Colorado/Utah photo spread later as I`m organizing all my pictures from this year .............Holy shite ! I have lots of pictures . Some of these may have been posted on this site already.

one of my favourites from this year (a haunting Mill Creek)

Another one of my favourites from 2009 , set camera on ground
and got very lucky with the timing (ft sask)

a frosty rear view in Ft Saskatchewan

a classic feature in Ft Saskatchewan , log crossings

a lovely photo of my favourite little creek (Mill Creek)

backwards day photo , I just about hit some poor lady walking
her dog just around the corner .....oops , I was flying ...he he
the link to "backwards day" below

one of the reasons the Ft Sask MTB Club rules . this section
of trail was washed out a few years ago , they revived it and
turned it into pure awesomeness
came across this in Forest Heights on a cold wet day , sadly
the picture didn`t last long
night time beauty shot in Ft Sask.

self portrait , dusk in the Fort

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...