Friday, April 2, 2010

Not quite what I had planned

I had this ride planned all week , if the River valley was decent take the Moots for it`s first long spin . I was thinking of this all week and was quite excited about what may transpire . The thought of being alone in the valley on that bike for a good chunk of the day on a good 60 k ride .

And then a few things happened :
1 . I slept in past my planned start time of 9 a.m
2 . When I got to the trailhead I realized my Camelback was leaking severly
3 . No bell on the Moots .....That may seem lame , but try riding in the valley without warning people of your presence .........Very annoying !

So by the time I got to the trail it was 1:30 (I didn`t sleep in that much) and realizing my camelback was half empty because I didn`t secure it properly , I started riding only to come up to people realizing I had no bell . Me being the genius that I am stopped pedaling when I came up to people letting the noisy Industry 9 hub work it`s magic . It worked well ! Those thing`s are so cool ! So in the end I had a pretty good (but short) ride . I didn`t want to ditch my family so I knew I should turn back . If only I started at nine ........and didn`t screw up my camelback and bell.....sigh ......Sure was nice riding that Moots again . WOW !

part of my planned route to Terwilliger , that part of the ride
wouldn`t of happened anyways

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...