Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Riding. Terwilliger

After a rather scary car ride down the Henday in the heavy wind with my "precious" up on top of the car shacking in the wind I arrived in trendy Terwilliger park for a little after work stress relief . I really do think I need a different mount for that bike ! Or maybe I`m just paranoid .

The ride was pretty good ........Well , alot better once I climbed up into the hills and away from the dogs . It is nice too see all the trails are pretty much dry . I didn`t bother heading up to Fireman`s hill (the best part of Terwig.) as I knew I wouldn`t hold lines too well as I was way too tired from lack of sleep and too many hours at the shop .

Leaving tonight I was reminded why I don`t come here much anymore as the parking lot had it`s usual share of "Pinkbikers" donning full face helmets , elbow pads , shin pads and 8" travel downhill bikes .........All for Terwilliger ! ....... I don`t get people. Mind you , it looked like they were never going to leave the parking lot .

lets slow clap the city for turning this once amazing downhill
into paved bullshit .......way to go guys ! A downhill you would
have needed a full face helmet for .........ha ha ha ha ha

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...