Friday, September 17, 2010

Beer Friday . Cuthroat Pale Ale

From Kelowna British Columbia there is a brewery by the name of Tree Brewing (how appropriate) that has been there since 1996 . Finally ! A brewery that isn`t over 120 years old ! This isn`t the first Tree Brewing beer that I have reviewed , back in the springtime Thirsty Beaver was reviewed link here and I didn`t give it a very good review . That is why Cutthroat has been sitting in a corner of my desk looking nervous as it doesn`t want to let the brewery down as well . Well Cuthroat . Let`s see how you faired shall we ........

I poured this one into my trusty Seahawk mug quite some time ago and it poured a darker gold with a two fingered head that took forever to dissolve . Definitely a nice thing to see after a hard three day work week ! The first sips wern`t very impressive but it started to grow on me . The taste of malt was there and the beer made me wish I was just finished mowing my lawn sitting in my backyard as my wife feeds me grilled shrimp shish kabobs and whispers sweet nothings into my ear as she polishes my bikes ....(*this one made me dream a little, could be the meds kickin in)

This beer gets 4.1 suds out of 5

*the review may be jeopardized as all the little gremlins who started school may have infected this reviewer with sickness , therefore his taste buds may have been "altered" .

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