Saturday, February 5, 2011

Is the end near for the beer reviews ?

My, what a perplexing question ? Beer Friday is one of my favourite things on this here blog to do, and best of all it gives me an excuse to drink beer. It does seem to get good feedback and the stats are slowly picking up on the archive page.

However this has been a pretty shitty week. Last Tuesday our good friend cancer (ya, fuck him) has tried to make an appearance in my family again. Most notably affecting my wife Sheri.  It feel`s strange just saying that! The odd thing is what she was told was in her and still possibly could be is melanoma, the exact same cancer that took my Father just two years ago....melanoma again? Life has a pretty good way of fucking with you now doesn`t it ? Of all the cancers, why? Not that I`m saying another one would be better, it`s just seeing first hand on what a serious case of melanoma did to my Dad, and thinking your wife may go through the same thing scares the living shit out of me, and for good reason.

This wasn`t meant to be bleak. The news we have been getting has been very good, and I stress VERY  good. Unlike my Dad who was told he was pretty much done with from the onset. My wife had been checked over with ultrasound`s and x-rays and been told she is good. The last of the process will be when she goes in to get another chunk of her leg cut out where they got the offending mole that started this. They will test that and clear her from there. I honestly would be very surprised if there is anything. The news that we have been getting form the Doctor who cut out the infected mole has been nothing but good. In fact he seem`s a little bit bewildered as to why we are so upset about all this. This is just a scare for most people who have moles that came up positive for melanoma. I guess for my wife and myself the word "melanoma" sends shivers down the spine. And for good reason.

As for the beer reviews, once this storm passes they should be back and the "stellarness" will continue. For now we are just taking it easy. My "bridge ride" on Wednesday only lasted 27 minutes on the gps. I drove to Fort Edmonton rode to the bridge took some pictures, rode around the area of the bridge and then took off home, back to my wife. She is pretty much the best mountain bike wife you could have as she has been telling me to go riding as she knows it helps "soothe the soul" if you will. It sure helped this morning...

To all those who have been praying. Thanks. Oh yes, and fuck cancer.

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...