Friday, February 11, 2011

Riding. Mill Creek-University-and an attempt into Forest Heights

With my pre ride parking rituals becoming tainted by some ladies sitting in a car keeping an eye on me, I knew the most important ritual of them all would not happen....At least till I`m down the trail and alone from peering eyes. The P.R.P.T or the "pre ride package tuck" would have to wait. A very important process for any male rider. In a way that threw my mojo off for today and as I type this I can`t think of anything sadder to screw with ones bike ride. I could have just manned up and tucked anyways but I knew those ladies didn`t need to see that. Cripes ! Nobody needs to see that ! I have gotten good and can do the P.R.P.T quite discreetly but they were right there.

I had wanted to head up to Forest Heights and do some climbing but they had the entire trail blocked off. I was a little bit pissed (and still am) as I know how these things play out. I remember a bridge in Mill Creek being closed for months as they were doing work after some drunk twits crashed a truck into the railing. Not a big deal cause the damage was something that they could just do a quick fix and then do the main repair later (which eventually is what happened). I was through the area in a previous ride and saw nothing too dangerous that would warrant closing the whole trail just for one little Bobcat. I cannot wait to see how long this will last...

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...