Tuesday, June 28, 2011

It`s been eight days...

you can now see the dock, unlike a few weeks ago

Eight day`s of not riding can be bad for a guy. Rush orders at work kept me away from my beloved bikes and a swollen river, after working through the weekend and suffering through a hot muggy day (for Canada) I decided I had enough, and went for a spin.

My body didn`t agree with the thought of riding though, and after exploring some of the previously flooded out trails. I gave the river a high five for finally behaving like a proper river should and limped back home.  It`s sad how behind one can feel physically after missing a week of bike riding. Or was all the energy sapped from work? Time to quit and play the stock market and make millions....ha.

parts of mill creek sliding away...sniff

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...