Saturday, October 27, 2012

Saturday Mornings Should all be Like This

Finally some more riding redemption on a cold crisp Saturday morning. A trip to Banff earlier in the week and getting to see the snow that is inevitably coming our way later on was enough inspiration to get out on a ride. So a ride from the Pyramids to Rolling below Rowland via a trail I only heard about on this trip. Sad to think of how long ago that was and the time it took to finally hit. After Rowland trail, a river crossing and a return trip back on the north side left me wondering why I fell into such a horrible non biking slump.

A very slight skiff of snow is what greeted me this morning and had no bearings on my control. The snow only made the ride that much better making every corner a tad scary to go into but the tires held just fine creating feelings of electric euphoria. If only I could ride for longer as these current trail conditions could only be deemed as "epic!" Yes, I said that word, cause that's simply what it was today.

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...