Saturday, April 12, 2014

Here We Go Again...

On the cusp of a great looking bike season a rather big event happened which could completely affect the riding season. I really will not know until May what is happening as this is a very big career event going on. So on that note I ask: If I opened up the advertising on here would all you kind readers click on the links so I could earn a nice cushy seven figure income... That's right, I said seven. My expectations are high but I can take this here blog in a whole new direction with that kind of income.

The well deserved ride this morning was quite good. After a very stressful week I took it out on the poor Winter beater. The ride was short but incredibly good and I wished in the end I went a lot farther. From the looks of it quite a bit of trails may be ready but in my weird state of mind I stayed mostly on the paved. This morning's ride was no mile burner but it felt pretty damn good in the end.

The rest of this month should hopefully have a few good ride reports from the valley. Once May comes however, there will be a giant question mark on the future, although I feel like I'll be o.k.

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...