Monday, May 19, 2014

A Victoria Day Long Weekend Threesome!

Trying to make up for lost time this late morning and it was incredible. Returning to my roots and starting the ride from Mill Creek on a weekend which seems unheard of nowadays happened and the results were given two thumbs up by the Lonebiker ride advisory committee (located in Caribou, Maine).

The ride started in Mill creek and ended as I flirted with the idea of going full on into Mackinnon ravine but turned around as I felt a ridiculous bonk coming on that would have me lying on the side of the trail truly ruining my holiday Monday.

The valley was busy as expected and war cannons shook me as I rolled through Kinsmen park, all part of the Victoria day celebration. The first cannon shot made me jump but I quickly manned up after the next ten and got out from under the pile of cardboard and branches where I was hiding whilst waiting to die. Thankfully the cannon stopped and I rode in peace en route to Mackinnon. The trail conditions are absolutely incredible as of now and I found and conquered Wonder Woman by accident where afterwards I turned around and went home all the while having orgasmic feelings of ride awesomeness reverberate through my soul. Today was another good one, what a weekend!

a non stop problem in my valley, this abandoned camp was huge
making way for progress, a shame the trails have to suffer
what!? this whole post and not a mention of brand new shoes!?

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...