Thursday, July 31, 2014

Segway Wipeouts and Hot Trail Riding

 More cursed people on tonights ride just like last Sunday. Well, one cursed person who wiped out on Cloverdale bridge on his segway and it was infinitely better than the rollerblader crash I witnessed. The noise, the expression on his face and seeing the segway tumble taking it's rider down made my night. He did get up and laugh it off trying to pass off the awkwardness as me and a jogger stopped and stared at the great spectacle we witnessed.

The rest of the ride was short but incredible. Feeling like a bag of assholes all day I made myself go and it was a wise choice. the trails in areas were sucking in the hot air and blowing it back at me as I passed over them which made the ride more challenging. The route from Mill Creek to Old Timers cabin and back was perfect for this night. Yes I was that guy riding in a low gear spinning my cranks like a wild man on the paved sections, and multi use but I was out and it was awesome.

potty break and "man junk" re-adjustment photo
 i wonder if this tree must know it truly is fucked

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...