Saturday, December 13, 2014

Getting Laid Off is Good reason to Ride

Yes the news was crappy yesterday yet a huge weight of relief has been lifted off my shoulders. I was stressed beyond all recognition and I was strongly showing it. There were many missed bike rides due to work, and I'm sure a growing ulcer the size of Oklahoma was developing in my stomach insidiously waiting to show itself at a rather untimely manner.

Some of the things I could stress out about below:

* Family, yes obviously number one on the list.
* The bike addiction, and how will I keep feeding it?
* With layoffs all over the place I'm sure things will be tough finding a new job.
* A new job and the unknowns that go with it.

I say fuck it. Lets go riding shall we?

A properly done meet up with Kent in the rainy December morning and an introduction to his fatness aka "Billie." The ride was started at Old Timers and peaked out at my girls place who goes by the name of Victoria's Secret. That is where last night's wine and beer kicked in and I politely summoned us back to the Jeep.

The ride was a definite win win. Gnome trail was first tackled and at first was ridden with ravenous grit and vigor. As we pressed on the snow won the battle and we had to push our Winter Wonder bikes through some sections, eventually a wipe out by yours truly sealed the deal as we exited and we wondered if we should tackle any more.

We wondered no more when Kent recommended seeing what Victoria was up to and a single tear rolled down my cheek. Lordy do I miss that chick. So we rolled through pine needled red forests where the trail was sketchy beyond all recognition. A layer of ice has made its way and was handled soundly by the studded tires but when the brakes were applied you would slide like a drunk driver on an icy back road. Victoria did end badly once we got around the loop as heavy snow impeded our travel. This forced me and Victoria to have a big fight that got quite ugly. Kent awkwardly stared at the ground hoping it would end.

The ride ended with a return trip over the High Level (yes sorry. No picture) A decent back into the valley and a ride through Old Timers where slippery trails and snow tried to wreck the end of a good ride.

fat meets fat and a wet warm edmonton december morning
heisenberg-mobile and a catwalk equals a whole lotta awesome

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...