Wednesday, May 11, 2016

I Think I Can, I Think I Can...

An after work ride finally took place after what seemed like years and it was everything I could imagine it would be.

The ride started in Cameron Heights,situated strategically close to work and rode into Terwillegar where the new singletrack was ridden amidst a vast array of singletrack induced trail orgasms. The hardtail flowed like a dream and I thought at one moment I could just die right there. At that moment I got off my bike and begged Terwillegar for it's forgiveness.We used to be a hot couple in the early years of riding and I want her back.

The highlights and lowlights of the ride was seeing a very nervous and scared young girl on the new Terwillegar singletrack dragged on by her boyfriend.She looked terrified! I passed by and immediately my brain grew ten times bigger. "That young girl is scared and I'm riding this with no issues! Am I really this awesome?" Instantly the lonebiker ego went up about ten thousand points. I couldn't wait to get home to tell my wife.

The ego was then shattered as I was passed like I was literally standing still. Yes I know I am slow but could not believe the speed of this guy. It was like he was Ben Johnson hopped up on a fresh load of steroids with a few hits of speed to top it off. Later on, low and behold I saw the same guy in the parking lot as I was looping around and what did I see?

An E bike.

I'll just say nothing more. Ego restored. I still ride better than scared girls their first time on a mountain bike on a technical trail!

Get ready to see lots of this E bike action in the trails soon kids. Riding your ass, wanting to pass. KOM's being shattered on Strava...

I really hope that shit doesn't start happening. I got my first taste of it tonight.

In the end I didn't care about getting passed by a bike with a motor. The ride was invigorating.

Bikes. Trails. Terwillegar. I love you.

knuckledragger rednecks everywhere would love the cost of this new footbridge
spot the moose and win a lonebiker tea cozie

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...